Above: Bill Kistol prepares to write today's WaPo editorial, which forever propels the achievement of "dead-end, self-refuting hackery" beyond the reach of mere mortals. Behold:Let's step back from the unnecessary.
Kevin Drum, writing about the Most Dishonest Editorial Ever, argues that "a junior high school geometry student would be embarrassed to produce work like this." Apparently he hasn't gotten the.
Responding to Harry Reid stating the obvious point that the "Surge" shows no signs of working, neo-neocon has a stern admonishment:It’s clear that Reid doesn’t read the Wall Street Journal..
Andrew Ferguson....seriously, the "he doesn't have footnotes [because he has endnotes]!" routine? I can understand why Ferguson did it--he's a hack, is apparently entirely comfortable with comically transparent dissembling, and.
Indeed.And all of this, of course, was a convenient distraction from Saint McCain taking a "stroll" accompanied by a bulletproof vest, 100 troops, and aerial cover......Quite correct: "In answer to.