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Author: Scott Lemieux

Wingnut Theology

In General
On June 16, 2004
I'm surprised this quote from Bishop Deal W. Hudson that Josh Marshall IDed hasn't gotten more play. But it's an unusually candid admission about the nature of the jihad against pro-choice Catholic Democrats: "Once you open this door, what's going to come rolling through it?" asked Deal...

Strange Justice

On June 15, 2004

Yesterday, the Supreme Court held, 8-1, that defendants can make a sexual harassment claim against an employer when the environment was so hostile that the defendant was compelled to resign. The one.

American Conservative

On June 15, 2004

David Neiwert points us to the cover story of Pat Buchanan's The American Conservative: a love-in between the man himself and self-appointed spokesman for pure progressive bodily fluids Ralph Nader. My first reaction is.

We Have A Weiner!

In General
On June 14, 2004
In a rare case of me being with the winning team, the winner of THE VICIOUS INSTAPUNDIT BLOGROLL CONTEST at MaxSpeak has been announced, and the winner is: InstaPundit. Let us first ponder the utter depravity of the winning comment, made by a tenured law professor: Civilized...

Supersize This

On June 14, 2004

I saw Supersize Me, a very fine movie, last week. One of the film's most-praised segments involves an interview with a Reason editor (Jacob Sullum, I think) wondering when it would be socially acceptable.

Press the Meat

On June 11, 2004

The incomparable Bob Somerby notes many embarrassingly false and/or stupid comments from Tim Russert's appearance on Larry King this week, but I'd have to say that this is the best: RUSSERT: One.

No Sale

On June 10, 2004

Maybe Matt Stoller has a point after all. The generally excellent Kevin Drum has a very strange post defending Reagan kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia, MS. As Drum half-concedes several times,.

Mickey Kaus panic watch

In General
On June 10, 2004
Kerry leads Bush 51-44, 48-42-4 with Nader. The news isn't all good; Kerry is tied in Wisconsin and behind in Missouri. On the other hand, he's leading (only within MOE) in Ohio, and I think if he takes that it's over. Particularly considering that Nader...

Law v. Partisan Hackdom

On June 9, 2004

In late 2003, the Colorado Supreme Court struck down the partisan redistricting passed by the Republican legislature, as this redistricting plainly violated the state constitution's mandate that redistricting be performed.

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