Author: Erik Loomis
NPR had a fantastic story on Friday about the relationship between fracking and the cluster of earthquakes earlier this year in Arkansas. Many local residents blamed the gas companies for.
Virginia's most powerful politicians not surprisingly come from the early years of the republic. I was somewhat struck at how hackish their politicians were in the late 19th and much.
This occasional series will highlight moments in American labor and working-class history writ large, including the history of American radicalism and the history of slavery, which too often takes a.
New Hampshire's list is very weak. Basically, it's suffered from being a very small state bordering the state with probably the most prestigious list, Massachusetts. If you created a list.
This week, I'd like to highlight a recent discovery, Native American Netroots. This superb blog mostly consists of lengthy posts on Native American history which are well-written and enjoyable to.
While one can argue that there are several good songs about July 4, there's no question that Dave Alvin's "Fourth of July" is the clear best. And by no question,.
In a post where there's only a 99% chance he borrowed the link from me without giving credit, Yglesias comments on the same Guardian post on indigenous education in Oaxaca.
Oh South Carolina, have you ever elected decent politicians? I will try to counter one clear criticism of this list. I know that there are a few state-level people who.