Author: Erik Loomis
Thus is the title of Elizabeth Kolbert's excoriation of the Obama Administration for fighting European attempts to regulate airline emissions. Rather than support European leadership on the issue, the Obama.
Excellent Peter Birkenhead piece at Alternet on the exclusion of slavery on private plantation home tours in the South. Slave cabins are being turned into spas and restaurants rather than.
Yglesias is dead on that the best way for people to "invest" in their retirement is a functioning social security system. The average person probably doesn't have the time, skills,.
It's typical that The Economist would spend a bunch of space in its story on how Belgium came to dominate the world beer market on the worst beer to come.
Michael Conathan has an interesting albeit somewhat overoptimistic look at the state of fisheries in 2011. Conathan notes a variety of pretty good news ranging from the implementation of catch.
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago makes a very serious argument in defense of traditional Catholic doctrine on marriage: CARDINAL GEORGE: Well, I go with the pastor. I mean, he’s telling.
To build on Rob's post below, Quiggin's argument is extremely lazy. It's one thing to blame Calhoun for contributing to the Civil War, but Clay and Webster? Rob took care.
Jon Huntsman is making things up, claiming that EPA regulations to cut pollution from coal-fired plants, including the Clean Air Mercury Rule and Cross States Air Pollution Rule, will lead.