Author: Erik Loomis
In an incredibly great piece of public health news, researchers are getting very close to developing a vaccination against malaria. The first study showed the risk of malaria cut in.
One hallmark of Occupy Wall Street has been consensus decision-making. Over the last decade, progressive groups have come to rely on consensus as the primary way they make decisions. And.
A deadly salmon virus is likely to decimate wild stocks in coming decades. This highly contagious virus, which developed in the salmon farms of Norway, has infected British Columbia wild.
Elisabeth Rosenthal's good piece in the Times on why climate change has fallen off the radar screen has received a couple of interesting follow-up posts, including from Plumer. He points.
Gallup has conducted its first poll on marijuana legalization showing more people favoring it than opposing. Given the seeming inevitability of decriminalization if not outright legalization, I find it somewhat.
I love editors. I say this as someone who doesn't have the greatest confidence in his own writing. I don't always agree with their ideas, but I usually do. I.
Jessica Valenti savages a heartless misogynist man by the name of Mitt Romney.
A very interesting interview with Josh Viertel, head of Slow Food USA. The piece particularly interrogates the annoying Mark Bittman piece from a couple of weeks ago when he blamed.