Author: Erik Loomis
Certainly Obama took a political risk today, but Noam Scheiber succinctly sums up the bind this puts Romney in. Now, a politician with more credibility among conservatives might be willing.
On this date in 1934, longshoremen on the West Coast walked off their jobs, beginning of the largest strikes in the history of the region and helping feed the move.
Everyone is outraged that North Carolina denied marriage equality last night. And you should be. However, what I thought was most important last night was that 39% of North Carolina.
Those who claim that we need a man like Lyndon Johnson today; that a new LBJ could handle the Senate through his own personality and politicking forget that the Republican.
Lisa Curtis has a provocative essay proclaiming that while she holds environmental values, she is very much not an environmentalist. Why? Because the environmental movement is dying and misguided and.
Jonathan Tobin begins the deification of martyr Naomi Schaefer Riley. In saying this, Riley was blunt but transgressed no rules of journalism other than the need not to offend powerful.
Most of us would probably agree that we really screwed up our cities in the 1950s and 1960s. Between uncontrolled suburbanization, urban renewal, the destruction of public transportation, white flight,.
We don't discuss specific activist campaigns much here and I need to do a better job of it. I'm particularly interested in smaller movements that are doing amazing work to.