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Author: djw

Heckava Job, Baucus

In djw
On September 16, 2009
You've found the sweet spot; a compromise bill that everyone to the left of Snowe and to the right of Jay Rockefeller can support.I have no idea if Rockefeller would really vote against this bill, and I don't really care. From what I've seen so...

Goldberg on HRW

On July 17, 2009

Matt Duss has a nice post on Jeffrey Goldberg's recent silliness regarding Human Rights Watch. Yesterday Goldberg, following up on a WSJ editorial, gave the impression that by talking about.

Steroids, performance, and evidence

In djw
On May 17, 2009
Moralistic hand-wringing about steroids is frequently accompanied by somewhat extravagant claims about the dramatic impact they have/had on individual player performances and the game itself. In the thread below, we get this from IB (who generally manages to avoid drug war moralism about steroids in...

Bacon Vodka

On May 11, 2009

I actually know the inventors of this ridiculous product, although I haven't tried it.I can't decide if the possibility they might get very wealthy from this is one of the.


On May 9, 2009

I'm hosting a book salon and discussion with Ben Page, a co-author of Class War? What Americans really think about Economic Inequality, starting right now at firedoglake.

libertarians and women

In djw
On April 30, 2009
Will Wilkinson approvingly directs me to Jason Kuznicki's half-hearted defense of Peter Thiel's unfortunate musings about the tragic consequences of women's suffrage. Kuznicki basically admits that by publishing Thiel CATO was essentially trolling their own magazine:This issue of Cato Unbound was motivated solely by my...

Is New Hampshire #5?

On April 29, 2009

It's up to John Lynch now. The Democratic-controlled Senate voted 13 to 11 in favor of the bill, but only after a last-minute amendment strengthened language granting legal protections for.

Rawls, religion, merit

In djw
On April 10, 2009
Background: John Rawls wrote an undergrad thesis on theology when he was deeply religious. He also wrote an unpublished essay in the 90's on the role religion played in his thought. Thomas Nagel and Josh Cohen are now publishing these essays along with an interpretive...

Response to Brad Delong

On March 23, 2009

Earlier today, Brad Delong observed:At the moment "Fear of Reese Witherspoon Look-Alikes on the Pill" has 116 comments, while "The Geithner Plan FAQ" has only 89 comments. I confess this.

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