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Cartels and Fuel


Once again, the legalization of drugs in the United States is going to have only a minimal impact on organized crime in Mexico.

Millions of gallons of illegal petrol are flowing into Guatemala from Mexico each week, part of a highly lucrative regional trade that authorities are struggling to combat.

Guatemalan Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla said the trade is controlled by organized crime groups, which use the contraband fuel to turn profit and are thought to launder the money by building new gas stations, reported La Hora. He did not specify which groups were involved, but expressed doubt over earlier suggestions that Mexican criminal group the Zetas were responsible for much of the trade.

According to Bonilla, 65 “blind spots” have been identified along the more than 500 mile border between the two countries, through which contraband goods flow, with “eight or nine” of them thought to be used to move illegal fuel.

Of course, given that Mexico can’t even keep its radioactive material safe from theft, once questions the government’s ability and/or willingness to take something like on.

What actually would have a much greater impact is tightening gun laws in the United States, but forget about that ever happening.

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