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I’m a businessman Mike. Blood and soil is a big expense


What right wingers refuse to understand is that decent people — and this category includes the solid majority of Americans, which is why the right wing hates democracy so much — increasingly have no desire to associate with them, either socially or economically.

“Woke” is just a slur to refer to people who consider fascists like Mike Davis to be disgusting human beings, who hold disgusting beliefs that have become wildly unpopular in all the parts of America that anybody who has any money or education would prefer to live.

Here’s a good thread from Josh Marshall about why corporations don’t want their products associated with fascists etc.

Spoiler: Not because they’re “woke,” but because being associated with fascists is bad for business.

And not because of boycotts, which are a trivial factor in these decisions, but because the large majority of people who have the money to engage in significant amounts discretionary spending have no desire to be anywhere near right wing scum like Mike Davis and Elon Musk.

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