Let’s Make Sure Everyone Is Ok

The next couple of days are going to be extremely stressful for everyone here, not to mention the rest of the country. I used to take joy in Election Day, finding a party and watching the returns roll in, but that ended forever in November 2016. Some brief recommendations, some of which are helpful for either outcome and some of which are more helpful if things go the bad way…
If it is in your nature to take a drink then do so, but take account of the needs of your body, your family, and your job when deciding just how much to imbibe. If alternative pharmaceutical remedies are the solution you seek that’s fine, but the same rules apply.
Get some exercise. It will make you feel better, even if it’s just a walk around the block. It’s also an opportunity to disconnect for a while.
Get some sleep. Everyone needs sleep; no one does better on no sleep. The wisdom of age, fundamentally, is that sleep is a good and necessary thing.
Eat. It’s sometimes easy not to eat, but you need to find food that can keep you moving. That said, the temptation to spend the next days consuming awful food is real and compelling. It’s okay to indulge to a point, but always remember that there will be a sunrise after the sunrise when you want to do something with your body apart from abasing it before the gods of despair.
The National Suicide Hotline is 988. Do not hesitate to call it if you think you might need it. The National Mental Health Hotline is 866-903-3787.
Watch out for the people around you. They may need you. You might not be in a place to be needed, but sometimes it is very helpful to be needed even when you do not feel that you can handle being needed.
Stay engaged with the community here for just as long as you should, but not too long. Like any kind of social media, the LGM comment section can keep you going but it can also become too much. The community wants you to be around not just today, but also tomorrow and the next day.
If you need it, find yourself a clean, well-lighted place. Somewhere with light and a certain cleanness and order.