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More Traitors to Biden……


I imagine Paul will have some additional commentary here shortly, but…..

Senator Jack Reed, the West Point graduate, Army veteran and Rhode Island Democrat who leads the Armed Services Committee, is hardly known as a troublemaker prone to rash statements.

So when Senate Democrats gathered privately with President Biden’s top political advisers last month to assess Mr. Biden’s capacity to remain the Democratic presidential nominee, the decision by the normally taciturn Mr. Reed to be among the first to speak was notable. What was even more remarkable was what he said, according to two attendees: If Mr. Biden wanted to stay in the race after a disastrous debate performance that underscored concerns about his condition and mental acuity, he should submit to examination by two independent neurologists who were willing to report their findings at a news conference.

It was a striking position for a Democratic loyalist to take, and one that underscored the near unanimity among Senate Democrats in the room that day that Mr. Biden should not continue as the party’s nominee. It was just one of a series of extraordinary moments during a closed-door session on July 11 that would lead Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, to schedule a face-to-face meeting with the president days later in which he urged Mr. Biden to withdraw.

But we all know that this was all about allowing Maureen Dowd to play Boar on the Floor and not a basically unanimous consent in the Democratic Party that Joe Biden was now a complete disaster who was putting himself ahead of democracy!

And seriously, if there is less of a chaos agent in the history of American politics than Jack Reed, I don’t know who it is.

But wait, there’s more!

The Tuesday luncheon came the day after Mr. Biden had released a letter to members of Congress insisting that he would stay in the race and expressing frustration with “elites” who were calling for him to step aside. The missive landed like a bomb on Capitol Hill and fueled a sense of panic at Democrats’ weekly confab in the Senate, where two of the party’s most endangered incumbents — Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana — said they could not survive with Mr. Biden on the ballot.

Democrats were particularly alarmed about a political ad airing in Montana against Mr. Tester that featured the senator saying Mr. Biden was “absolutely, 100 percent with it” — a position that was increasingly hard to defend after the debate.

After the lunch, Mr. Schumer immediately reached out to White House officials and insisted on a high-level meeting between Mr. Biden’s closest aides and Democratic senators. The Biden advisers were reluctant to grant one, apparently fearing it could blow up on them.

One senator said there was a clear feeling in the room expressed by multiple attendees, including many senators who had worked with Mr. Biden, that the president was simply not up to continuing his re-election bid.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island said that if Mr. Biden continued to insist on running, he would be a loyal soldier and keep saying that the president was in good shape. But if Mr. Biden were to have another breakdown, that would make a liar of him, and his constituents would never believe him again. The argument resonated strongly with his colleagues.

Biden did the right thing here and we all respect him for it. As for the LGM commenters who thought this was the greatest political disaster in known human history, well……..

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