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The dreamlife of a misogynist reactionary


Matt Taibbi’s explanation for his MAGA turn (which started after some people began to ask questions about his “satirical” misogyny — presents a truly deranged alternative universe:

Leaving aside that in Taibbi’s world Fox News — by far the most influential cable news network — doesn’t exist, imagine portraying a political press that has made Biden’s age by far the most covered issue of the campaign “proxies for the DNC.”

Taibbi literally inhabits a universe in which English professors are a source of more “institutional power” than Sam Alito or Rupert Murdoch of the House of Representatives or most governors and statehouses etc. etc. I dunno, if I were a woman trying to get an abortion or access to Medicaid in Texas or Florida I would consider the Supreme Court and the coercive authority of the state more important than how the reporter covering the Swift/Kelce beat for the local news network is going to vote in the next election.

Republicans want to ban abortion in all 50 states, dismantle the federal administrative state, and take away your healthcare and pension to pay for upper-class tax cuts. Democrats think it’s unwise for social media platforms to amplify Nazis. Clearly, the latter is infinitely worse. Don’t call me a reactionary, though!

I have two questions:

1)Who the fuck is Yuval Harari?

2)How degranged and privileged do you have to be to think that transhumanist whatever is a more potent and dangerous ideology than what is being offered by the contemporary Republican Party and its actually powerful public officials?

If this is Taibbi giving a “great” answer I’d hate to see the bad ones.

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