Home / General / Breaking: One of the two major presidential candidates is really old, AND his father died of an inheritable form of dementia

Breaking: One of the two major presidential candidates is really old, AND his father died of an inheritable form of dementia


This seems . . . troubling. It casts shadows around the presidential campaign — clouds, even:

Fred Trump Sr., the pugnacious developer then in his late 80s, didn’t recognize two of his children at the party, recalled Mary L. Trump, who attended the gathering. And when he did recognize Donald, the family patriarch approached his son with a picture of a Cadillac that he wanted to buy — as if he needed his son’s permission.

The incident, Mary L. Trump said, left Donald Trump visibly upset at his father’s descent into dementia, which medical records show had been diagnosed several years earlier.Trump reflected his anguish in an interview around that time, with Playboy in 1997 reporting that seeing his father “addled with Alzheimer’s” had left him wondering “out loud about the senselessness of life.” . . .

Trump’s longfixation on mental fitness followed years of watching his father’s worsening dementia — a formative period that some associates said has been a defining and little-mentioned factor in his life, and which left him with an abiding concern that he might someday inherit the condition. While much remains unknown about Alzheimer’s, experts say there is an increased risk of inheriting a gene associated with the disease from a parent.

“Donald is no doubt fearful of Alzheimer’s,” said a former senior executive at the Trump Organization, who worked for years with Trump and saw him interact with Fred Trump Sr., and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a confidential relationship. “He’s not going to talk about and not going to admit to it. But it’s relevant because every day he is hitting Biden with whether or not he is capable mentally of doing the job.”

There’s also a bunch of stuff about how Trump mischaracterized his supposedly excellent performance on his do I have dementia test from 2018, which the developer of the test says wouldn’t be valid anyway six years later.

Trump used his father’s dementia to unsuccessfully attempt to steal the family fortune, at a time when he was going through six corporate bankruptcies, and was on the verge of filing for personal bankruptcy. Trump was ultimately bailed out by his father’s death in 1999, eight years after Fred Trump was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (a disease which pretty clearly has a significant genetic component.)

One of the many amazing things about Trump is that you can consider by far the most troubling thing about Joe Biden’s candidacy — his age, and the related exponentially increasing risk of serious cognitive impairment — and even if you only consider that factor, Biden is still obviously the far superior candidate!

What a news media country. At least this story represents a tiny step toward reality.

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