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On the Retirement


I’m not sure that there’s much to say about the McConnell retirement beyond the obvious; he’s old, he’s in ill-health, and he didn’t think that either a) majority leader under Trump, or b) minority leader under Biden would be much fun. It’s interesting that he committed to playing out the string and finishing his term, as it could indicate a lack of faith the in the capacity of the recent replacement process to survive legal challenge. A retirement now might result in Senator Beshear, as consequence, and that’s no good for anyone except pretty much everyone. Nevertheless, I will not hesitate to report every rumor which reaches my ears, however ill-founded the evidence.

Here’s what the folks are saying:

  • The world demands these must-see photos of Mitch at UK Law in the 1960s.
  • A career timeline.
  • There’s something so weird about this sentence: “Mr. McConnell became the longest serving Senate leader in history at the start of this Congress, surpassing Mike Mansfield of Montana and fulfilling a personal goal.”
  • Rand Paul is a DICK:

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