Fake-populist lies, coming and going

Richard Grenell is.a reprehensible asshole even by TrumpWorld standards:
What a vicious lie.
I doubt anyone buys it unless they really want to, but just in case…
There’s nothing that US military equipment would do to help Hawaiians suffering from wildfires.
They’re not trade-offs. America can, and should, do both. Cutting one wouldn’t help the other. pic.twitter.com/WxyyVBzVaf— Nicholas Grossman (@NGrossman81) August 12, 2023
As we’ve discussed before, this is a lie not only because supporting Ukraine’s resistance is not limiting the resources available for aid to Maui — nobody can eat or find shelter under military equipment — but because none of the people making this argument actually give the slightest shit about helping people in Lahaina. America First is just a floating bait-and-switch which provides grievance and uncritical support for right-wing authoritarians at home and abroad but not assistance for Americans who need it.