Techo Tuesday (open thread)

Because Rob in CT asked nicely, here is an open thread.
And while I have you all’s attention: I find myself in need of a new laptop. I would prefer to stick with Windows because I’m used to it. And the price on Apple products make me flinch. I won’t be using it for gaming but do plan to start podcasting sometime soon … ish. Maybe. I also want something with a full-sized keyboard, the larger monitor that goes with and a CD/DVD drive. [The people have spoken! An internal CD/DVD drive is so last century. So recommend an external drive.]
No, I don’t want to build my own, as fascinating as that sounds. Yes, I’ll keep whatever I get until it becomes unusable.
Please share your recommendations below. (Warnings about makes/models to avoid are also appreciated.)
Don’t have a recommendation? Share a gripe about technology.
Don’t have a gripe about technology? Share anything else.