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The Future of LGM is Yours


I hate fundraising day, you hate fundraising day. I get it.

But you know what we all hate more than fundraising day? The ads! They suck. They are annoying. They make the site look bad. They can be marginally offensive. It’s less than ideal. We would love to get rid of the ads. They are also annoying on the administrative end.

So that’s why we are putting the future of the blog in your hands. We would love to get rid of the ads. But the only way we can do that is if we make enough money in the fundraiser/Patreon subscriptions to equal the income that we get through the ads plus our previous fundraiser/Patreon. That total is $120,000 (actually a bit less than that, but we are including inflation over the last year). Lest you think that’s out of control, slightly more than half of that is in last year’s fundraiser and the Patreon. So we are really talking about a difference here of about $55-60K.

In short, you have a choice. You can pay for an ad-free site. Or you can not pay and have lots of ads. We will make up the money with even more ads if we have to do so.

So if you ever wonder what the money would go to, it’s pretty clear this year.

In short, you can put up or you can shut up. At least about the ads.

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