Stanley Foundation collects nuclear adventure stories
Last fall, the Stanley Foundation held a meeting in Santa Fe to collect stories of nuclear adventures. It was great fun, with us old talky folks and younger enthusiastic listeners. I met a number of people I knew only through social media!
They recorded some of us old talky people and have just published a number of recordings.
Here’s my story of my adventure in Estonia.
And here’s the whole project.
Their pull quote from my story:
It was was an enormous tailings pond, 1 km long & .5 km wide. Right on the Baltic… It was set on a base of cambrian blue clay. The problem of having all those tons of material on it was that the whole thing could just slide into the sea.
I am so proud of what the Estonians have done, pictured above. The green area is the stabilized tailings pond. And one of the things that the Estonian government wanted was economic development, hence the growing port around it.
Cross-posted to Nuclear Diner