My Religion Says No Unions–I Believe That’s in Reagan, Chapter 1, Verse 21

Sam Alito finally finds a position from a Black person other than Clarence Thomas that he likes:
Over the last 15 years as a professor at the school, she had tried to improve herself. She’d earned a Ph.D. from the University of Florida to improve her teaching credentials. She was elected president of the faculty senate and chosen as the faculty union’s chief negotiator. She had received grants to support her work as a mathematics professor.
She had also pushed her coworkers to become more militant in demanding the school honor its union contract.
But then in May, the school made a sudden announcement: effective immediately, the college administration would no longer recognize its faculty union. The union contract was canceled. Faculty could now be fired at will. And the school would no longer bargain with its faculty, citing its “core values and Christian tenets.”
The announcement came just six weeks after the school announced it had hired an executive director of its new A. Philip Randolph Institute to honor the legacy of perhaps the most prominent and militant labor leaders in U.S. history.
Now that’s some quality irony! I await Republicans pushing the repeal of the National Labor Relations Act by naming it after Randolph!