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Brainwashed pride


After a delay, Putin gave a public address making it clear that the blood-soaked imperialism will continue irrespective of whether morale improves:

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia announced a partial mobilization of his military in a rare address to the nation on Wednesday, saying the goals of his invasion of Ukraine had not changed and that the step was “necessary and urgent,” and effective immediately.

The speech was an apparent attempt to reassert his authority over an increasingly chaotic war that has undermined his leadership both at home and on the global stage.

Mr. Putin’s address on Wednesday came as Moscow pressed to consolidate its hold over Ukrainian territory in the east and south, abruptly moving to stage referendums for occupied parts of Ukraine to formally join Russia.

The scheduling of the votes, which appeared to be coordinated, followed swift advances by Ukrainian forces, who routed Russians from the northeast in recent weeks and are on the offensive in the east and south. Russia has lost tens of thousands of troops, is struggling to recruit new soldiers and is facing a growing backlash, even from some allies, over its prolonged and bloody invasion.

I assume that the foreign policy people will be weighing in imminently but feel free to discuss in the meantime.

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