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The sham Kavanaugh investigation


Guess who put itself in charge of “investigating,” meaning burying, 4,500 tips regarding potential sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court-nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

From a colloquy between Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and FBI director Christopher Wray:

WHITEHOUSE: As you know, we are entering the fourth year of a frustrating saga […] regarding the Kavanaugh supplemental background investigation, and I’d like to get that matter wrapped up. First, is it true that after Kavanaugh-related tips were separated from other tips, that they were forwarded to White House counsel without investigation?

WRAY: … When it comes to the tip line, we wanted to make sure the White House had all the information we had, so when the hundreds of calls started coming it, we gathered those up, reviewed them and provided them to the White House—

WHITEHOUSE: Without investigation?
WRAY: We reviewed them and then provided them to the White House.
WHITEHOUSE: You reviewed them for the purposes of separating from tip line traffic but did not further investigate the ones that related to Kavanaugh, correct?
WRAY: Correct.
WHITEHOUSE: Is it also true that in that supplemental BI [background investigation], the FBI took direction from the White House as to whom the FBI would question and even what questions the FBI could ask?
WRAY: So it is true … as to the who. I am not sure as I sit here whether it is true as to the what questions.

Note that the only reason Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations became public is because she contacted Dianne Feinstein about them directly, meaning it was impossible for the White House to bury them by simply not “officially” passing them back to the FBI for investigation.

At least Whitehouse, to his great credit, isn’t letting go of this particular piece of the Kavanaugh farce. The same, unfortunately, can’t be said about Kavanaugh’s farcical lies about how he ended up with hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card debt that then mysteriously disappeared, because his “friends” paid him back for the cost of the “baseball tickets” that he had bought for them.

Nobody knows what the real story is there, and nobody of importance seems to be inclined to find out.

Nice little legal system we have here; be a shame if something happened to it.

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