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Sociobiology, GOP Style


This is just standard fare among Republicans:

A former Montana State House Majority Leader and candidate for a potential swing Montana state Senate race said in an email to fellow legislators Monday that a woman’s womb serves no specific purpose to her life or well-being.

The comment was made by Rep. Brad Tschida, R-Missoula, who is running for Senate District 49, which Democrats won by a narrow margin in the last two elections.

Tschida made his comment in an email to dozens of lawmakers in response to a member of the public from Columbia Falls who voiced opposition to abortion restrictions in Montana.

“The womb is the only organ in a woman’s body that serves no specific purpose to her life or well-being,” Tschida said. “It is truly a sanctuary.”

OK then.

It’s Anthony Comstock’s world and we are just living in it.

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