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Germany 1932


A classic alternative history game people like to play is called “what would you have done if you had lived in Nazi Germany?”

Guess what, it turns out we’re going to get to play it for real:

Yes, I’m being “hysterical” — just like Connie in the last scene of The Godfather. (The other day Rob posted in response to a Twitter question of what right wing work of art do you like anyway that The Godfather was in that category for him. I don’t get how The Godfather is right wing: it seems more like the movie is set in a sealed-off world where outside moral standards don’t apply. Wait maybe I just answered my own question).

Speaking of Germany back in the day:

Proving that the bar can always be lowered in Washington, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton — one of several senators who used the Jackson hearings to highlight his potential presidential ambitions — suggested the first Black woman nominated to serve on the nation’s top bench would have been lenient on Nazis. In a Senate speech, Cotton referenced former Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson who was the top prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials of Adolf Hitler’s subordinates after World War II.

“You know, the last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg and prosecute the case against the Nazis. This Judge Jackson might have gone there to defend them,” Cotton said.

I mean what can you say? (I’m sure you can think of something).

On a related subject, I’ve been seeing more and more talk about people losing relatives to Fox News, etc. This was a particularly disturbing thread:

On a more personal level, I was very saddened by Hall of Fame commenter Aimai’s revelation in a thread a couple of days ago that she seems to have lost her very elderly father, who had always been a brilliant and otherwise admirable man, to tankie propaganda regarding Ukraine. The Reasonable Centrists will point out that this illustrates how the Left as well as the right wing scream machine propagates poisonous family-destroying propaganda. The rest of us will note that this version of “the Left” is actually now a central part of the right wing scream machine. For example, consider this truly insane observation from someone who for whatever bizarre combination of reasons is still identified regularly as a leftist:

Dark times ahead.

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