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LGM Podcast: The Latest from Ukraine

By Kyivcity.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=115566147

On the latest LGM podcast, Dan, Cheryl, and myself discuss the latest events in the Ukraine-Russia War. As we recorded this afternoon, we are largely up to date with developments in the rapidly changing conflict. We talk a bit about Russian military effectiveness, then pivot to a discussion of Vladimir Putin’s decision-making. We then talk about the impact of the war on the US domestic political scene, followed by an astonished review of the magnitude of the Western economic and financial response. We end by discussing the prospects of a negotiated ceasefire, and what a post-conflict scenario might look like. At the end we slip in just a few words about the Chotiner interview with John Mearsheimer.

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