Bluetoothghazi, Day 3

We have already discussed what is without question the most scandalous conduct involving a president or vice president in the calendar year of 2021:— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 7, 2021
I, personally, cannot imagine why a woman aspiring to the presidency would want to show particular caution about the security of the information on her personal devices.
Still, I planned to let this go until the “scandal” somehow got even stupider:
It raises many shadows and casts many questions that Kamala Harris does not carry multiple sets of headphones and switch between them from place to place depending on the specific security context, like a normal person would. That seems much easier than just using wired headphones all the time! Frankly, this is disqualifying behavior.
This actually brings us full circle back to the fake scandal that ended reproductive freedom in America. Clinton’s explanation for the private server — carrying two mobile phones would be a pain in the ass, there was no law saying she had to, America’s Secretary of State Saint Colin Powell didn’t and nobody said anything about it, so she didn’t — always made perfect sense. But because of the Clinton Rules a nefarious conspiracy had to be assumed, and a mere total lack of evidence of significant wrongdoing shouldn’t stop this from being the scandal of the century.
Anyway, Kamala Harris’s use of wired headphones shows a paranoid streak about informational security trivialities that leaves me with no choice but to support a man who will talk to anyone on an unsecured iPhone at anytime like a real president should, Donald J. Trump.