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Sometimes In Life, You Get What You Ask For


So, Idaho politics are an incredibly toxic shitshow. You have a extremist right-wing governor, Brad Little, who is horrible on COVID and everything else. But the lieutenant governor Janice McGeachin, who is challenging him in next year’s primary, is a full-blown fascist. They are basically at a civil war. Every time Little leaves the state, McGeachin issues a whole bunch of executive orders that are totally bonkers and then Little comes back and revokes them. Of course McGeachin is going to clean his clock and win the general election going away next year.

Anyway, among McGeachin’s batshit efforts is her “education indoctrination task force” to stop the good kids of Sandpoint and Nampa from learning about that Critical Race Theory and the like. Will it surprise you that said task force is filled with crazy people dropping dead because they are crazy? No, it will not.

Pete Coulson, a member of Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin’s education indoctrination task force, recently died from COVID-19, conservative talk radio host Bill Colley reported Thursday.

After at least three weeks of hospitalization, during which his oxygen levels were depleted, Coulson died sometime between Oct. 1 and Wednesday, according to Colley’s report.

“Pete was a very healthy 67. He would tell people he was vaccinated in Christ. He didn’t fear death,” Colley wrote.

Vaccinated in Christ.

Welp, if the big JC exists, hope Coulson can explain how happy he is to have choked to death on his own fluids.

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