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All you got to be is white in America


Scott keeps claiming that Ron Johnson is America’s dumbest senator. Well Tommy Tuberville wants everyone to know he considers this a personal challenge:

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) argued on Tuesday that taxes on corporations cannot be increased because “we can’t put laws on private companies.” Increasing the corporate tax rate to fund social services, Tuberville said, would also cause companies to leave the United States.

Tuberville made his comments during an appearance on Fox Business’ “Mornings with Maria” to promote his Prohibiting TSP Investment in China Act, which would prohibit the federal Thrift Savings Plan pension fund from investing “in any security of an entity based in China or in a subsidiary that is owned or operated by a Chinese company,” as he said in an opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal on May 17.

While arguing that “something has to be done” about the investments, Tuberville said, “The one thing that can’t be done is we can’t raise the corporate income tax.”

“We raise that, surely, we’re going to lose them to other countries, not just China,” he added.

The Biden administration has proposed an increase in corporate taxes to pay for infrastructure and jobs.

Tuberville said, “We can’t tax them to death, because if we do they’re going to leave.”

“We can’t put laws on private companies,” he noted, before continuing to discuss his proposed law regulating investments in private companies.

The stupidity and corruption of the contemporary Republican party is the kind of thing that would never work in a naturalistic novel, because it would come across as an absurd caricature. On the other hand a satirical film might work.

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