Well the grifter he holds on to his claims of voter fraud because they’re money in the bank

Washington Republican gubernatorial candidate and Donald Trump after sixteen trips to Kinko’s Loren Culp is refusing to concede the election he lost by 13 points. Why? Because…well, do I have to come right flat out and tell you everything:
Culp, taking a page from President Donald Trump’s playbook, has told supporters he’ll “never concede.” He filed a lawsuit against Wyman two weeks ago in King County Superior Court, seeking an audit of ballots and voting machines in five counties.
Prominent Republicans, though, have grown weary of Culp’s postelection challenges, which he has used to raise at least $55,000 since Election Day.
Meanwhile, Culp’s own campaign spending has raised questions among some veteran GOP consultants and political insiders.
His campaign manager, Chris Gergen, took a big chunk.The campaign made large, unexplained payments to a Marysville data firm while spending a relatively meager sum on traditional voter contact.
Additionally, Culp disclosed in a Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) filing recently he’d paid himself more than $33,000 for lost wages and an additional $15,000 for mileage reimbursement.
State law allows candidates to tap campaign funds to recoup expenses and lost income. (Culp had been on leave for months from his job as the sole police officer in Republic, Ferry County — a position he lost last month.)
But few take advantage of the provision; Culp’s payment to himself appears to be the largest-ever for a candidate in Washington state, according to a review of PDC data.
He doesn’t even seem to have any idiot son-in-laws to split the proceeds from fleecing his rube followers with. Nicely done!
Meanwhile, speaking of the Colorado Republican Party there is a predictable amount of corrupt profit-taking as it becomes less and less competitive.