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Neck restraints are a routine practice of Minneapolis police


Bob Kroll’s stromtroopers really like senselessly choking people:

Since the beginning of 2015, officers from the Minneapolis Police Department have rendered people unconscious with neck restraints 44 times, according to an NBC News analysis of police records. Several police experts said that number appears to be unusually high.

Minneapolis police used neck restraints at least 237 times during that span, and in 16 percent of the incidents the suspects and other individuals lost consciousness, the department’s use-of-force records show. A lack of publicly available use-of-force data from other departments makes it difficult to compare Minneapolis to other cities of the same or any size.

Police define neck restraints as when an officer uses an arm or leg to compress someone’s neck without directly pressuring the airway. On May 25, Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was captured on video kneeling on the neck of a prone and handcuffed George Floyd for eight minutes — including nearly three minutes after he had stopped breathing.

If you can stomach watching this carefully detailed video of the murder of George Floyd, I urge you to do so. The fatal Catch-22 sequence in which one cop keeps demanding that Floyd get up to stop the abuse while Chauvin keeps his leg firmly pressed on his neck as casually as if he was waiting to hear the barista at Starbucks call his name is absolutely chilling. That three of these sociopaths remain at large is frankly obscene.

…who could have predicted that the official autopsy was a cover-up?

An independent autopsy ordered by George Floyd’s family found his death was a “homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain,” according to early findings from the examination released Monday.

Floyd was apprehended by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last Monday, and one of the officers pinned his knee to Floyd’s neck, as he called out that he couldn’t breathe.

The independent examiners found that weight on the back, handcuffs and positioning were contributory factors because they impaired the ability of Floyd’s diaphragm to function. The report concluded that Floyd, 46, died at the scene.

“The ambulance was the hearse,” Ben Crump, an attorney for Floyd’s family, said at a news conference announcing the findings.

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