A Deadly Conflict of Interest

This probably isn’t the only reason that Trump is considering killing untold numbers of people by encouraging his lickspittles in red-state statehouses to end social distance policies prematurely, but I’m sure it’s one of them:
President Trump’s private business has shut down six of its top seven revenue-producing clubs and hotels because of restrictions meant to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, potentially depriving Trump’s company of millions of dollars in revenue.
Those closures come as Trump is considering easing restrictions on movement sooner than federal public health experts recommend, in the name of reducing the virus’s economic damage.
In a tweet late Sunday, Trump said the measures could be lifted as soon as March 30. “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF,” he wrote on Twitter.
In his unprecedented dual role as president and owner of a sprawling business, Trump is facing dual crises caused by the coronavirus. As he is trying to manage the pandemic from the White House, limiting its casualties as well as the economic fallout, his company is also navigating a major threat to the hospitality industry.
That threatens to pull Trump in opposite directions, because the strategies that many scientists believe will help lessen the public emergency — like strict, long-lasting restrictions on movement — could deepen the short-term problems of Trump’s private business, by keeping doors shut and customers away.
Senate Republicans own 100% of every unnecessary death that happens next too.
Anyone trying to make this argument should be made to sign a legally binding document ordering doctors to give their ICU bed, should they need one, to someone else before we even start thinking about taking them seriously. https://t.co/wmd2qWYqlD— Abigail Nussbaum (@NussbaumAbigail) March 24, 2020