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The Z-Team


Well, that’s it — impeachment has no chance now:

Trey Gowdy, the former South Carolina congressman who led the committee that investigated the terrorist attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, will join President Trump’s legal team as an outside adviser.

The move — which had been widely anticipated — was announced Wednesday night by Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow.

“I have known Trey for years and worked with him when he served in Congress,” Mr. Sekulow said in a statement. “His legal skills and his advocacy will serve the president well. Trey’s command of the law is well known and his service on Capitol Hill will be a great asset as a member of our team.”

Mr. Gowdy, a former prosecutor who served four terms in the House before resigning in January, met with Mr. Trump for lunch on Tuesday at the White House. He is expected to be a presence on television defending the president.

He’s not just a great haircut!

Well, in fairness, his past expressed opinions on impeachment and oversight is the kind of thing reporters are paid to ignore, but still this is only a marginal improvement on just having Rudy do it. (It’s worth noting that Benghazi was one of the rare attempts to gin up a Clinton scandal the media for the most part didn’t buy into.)

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