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Rudy can fail

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My guess as to how the Trump people are going to play the Ukraine scandal is that they’ll admit that Rudy Giuliani did in fact try to bribe and extort the Ukrainian government into digging up or fabricating dirt on Hunter Biden, but it will turn out the president’s personal attorney did this without any authorization from Trump, who was shocked to discover that Rudy had betrayed his trust in this way.

Here are a few highlights from tonight’s round of insanity

Rudy Giuliani just lost his cool on Laura Ingrahm’s show when confronted by Chris Hahn. President Trump’s Lawyer and the former Mayor of New York told Democratic guest Chris Hahn to “Shut up” repeatedly, called him a “moron” and an “idiot” along with insisting he “didn’t know what he was talking about” and threatening to sue him for libel.

Giuliani went into his tirade and barrage of insults after Chris Hahn told him “you’re a public figure” and “you know the libel law.” Giuliani stuttered for several seconds after being interrupted and started screaming at Hahn.

Giuliani then told Hahn to “keep his whiny mouth shut” so that he could “tell the truth”. Hahn repeatedly told Giuliani that he “wished he would stop” referring to his alleged lying in the whistleblower probe involving Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


Rudy Giuliani’s contacts with officials at the State Department as part of his controversial efforts to dig up dirt on Joe Biden in Ukraine are more extensive than have been publicly reported. And they raise additional questions about the degree to which senior officials throughout the Trump administration were involved in—or privy to—attempts by the president to muddy a top potential political opponent. 

Over the course of the past year, Giuliani has participated in a far-flung campaign by Trump allies to unearth damaging information about Biden and his son Hunter. As part of that effort, Giuliani pressed the Ukrainian government to investigate so-far unfounded allegations of corruption in the country involving the Bidens. At the time, Hunter Biden was accused of using his father’s political standing to secure lucrative business opportunities abroad. Ukraine’s prosecutor general would subsequently say he had no evidence of any wrongdoing.

This summer, Giuliani briefed U.S. diplomats, including special representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker, on his work in Ukraine and his efforts to convince the administration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. But Giuliani confirmed to The Daily Beast that he also briefed another diplomat: U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. President Trump’s lawyer said that he briefed both Volker (who he referred to as the “main one” in terms of his State contacts) and Sondland on multiple conference calls earlier this year about his progress in pursuing a Ukraine investigation.

It wasn’t exactly an unknown topic for Sondland. The ambassador was also closely involved with the Trump phone call to Zelensky in which Trump repeatedly pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the Bidens.

Everybody in this maladministration is the scum of the earth, and that needs to be remembered when the dealing’s done.

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