Monday NatSec Roundup
Rock n’ roll means well, but it can’t help telling young boys lies.
- Everything you wanted to know about peaceful uses of nuclear weapons, but were afraid to ask.
- You pledge “no first use,” or you decide that circumstances matter with regard to whether you’ll use nukes first. You can’t have it both ways. That said, no one actually ever believes anyone when they say “no first use,” so it probably doesn’t matter that India is fuzzing things up.
- In unrelated India news, the HAL Tejas is an awfully bad fighter plane.
- You may have seen some news recently about militarized F-16s being available for private purchase. This isn’t entirely accurate, but it is the case that private firms have gotten in on the dissimilar air combat training game. See here for some Mirage F-1s.
- Iran and Israel are both of the view that they are entitled to blow up things wherever they want. Saudi Arabia and the UAE also share this belief. Also the United States, as it turns out. Sovereignty ain’t what it used to be, which is to say it’s what it’s pretty much always been.
- Indonesia might get a new capital city?
- Nice little backgrounder on the US-Japan alliance. From the point of view of 1919, I bet that not much about 2019 would look weirder or less likely than the tight 70 year alliance between Tokyo and Washington,