Home / awful Americans / If the GOP won’t do it then the anti-choicers will

If the GOP won’t do it then the anti-choicers will


As is so often the case when writing about the GOP, this post links to articles that contain anti-Semitic statements.

For reasons that the GOP continues to be unable to explain, Republican voters continue to nominate unabashed white supremacists, anti-Semites, xenophobes and other assorted bigots to elected office. One of the latest examples is Steve West, who recently won a four-way primary and is now the Republican nominee for a seat in the Missouri House.

West owns his own business, but he also finds time for a Monday morning radio show that involves masquerading as something called Jackoff Justice and barfing bigotry into the airwaves.

The local GOP is doing the usual We’re shocked – shocked – to find that bigots are gamboling in here! routine that wasn’t convincing the first time.

“Steve West’s shocking and vile comments do not reflect the position of the Missouri Republican Party or indeed of any decent individual. West’s abhorrent rhetoric has absolutely no place in the Missouri Republican Party or anywhere. We wholeheartedly condemn his comments.”

Unless he wins.

However, while the locals party drones are at least expressing disgust, another local right wing group has embraced him.

“…Below are the candidates of the major parties as they appear on the ballot and their ratings by Missouri Right to Life Federal or State Political Action Committee. Ratings are based on surveys, public statements, public record, voting records for those who presently hold or previously held office, interviews, and information from those in the districts. Candidates in BOLD CAPS are endorsed by Missouri Right to Life Federal or State Political Action Committee for the August 7th primary election…”

Endorsing a raging anti-Semite is a logical move for the sort of people who often compare a simple medical procedure to the Holocaust, because anyone who thinks anti-choicers really give a shit about life is dumb enough to vote Republican.

Even though the first article about West/Justice was published on Aug. 9 and has been picked up by other local outlets, the Missouri Womb Watcher’s PAC hasn’t pulled his endorsement.

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