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It’s Happening


TrumpCare moves forward. A few notes:

  • Saying that “this is just a vote to debate” is the 2017 equivalent of “I wasn’t voting for the Iraq War, just authorizing Bush to decide.”
  • I don’t think passage is inevitable, by any means, but they’re probably better than 50/50. Portman has never been a viable target for a meaningful nay vote, and Heller and Capito — who are outright liars — just gave up their votes in exchange for nothing. What’s going to be different when it comes time to vote on the next version(s)?
  • John McCain choosing to deliver some outtakes from a failed Aaron Sorkin pilot after casting a vote enabling exactly the procedural irregularities he pretend to oppose was a truly disgusting insult to people’s intelligence. Alas, it still works on the reporters who will never stop fawning over him.
  • McConnell is an incredibly malign political figure, as bad for the country as John Calhoun was. But three Republican votes could have stopped this use of an undemocratic process to move forward on a revoltingly inhumane bill. They all own it.
  • Act as if this can be stopped. There are still multiple votes to be had. Don’t stop fighting.
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