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Grit in the gears

Sand sample from Kemil Beach National Lake shore at 3x - The Science of Sand
Sand sample from Kemil Beach National Lake shore at 3x – The Science of Sand

Yesterday was a brilliant day before I got home and read about the Trump/Spicer synchronized whinefest and that CNN was comparing the size of the D.C. march to the size of the inauguration and noting that ours was much bigger. Large public protests serve a number of purposes, and one of the most important is to transmit enthusiasm for protest to as many people as possible; to those who marched and those who did not. (Making President Manbaby fret is a bonus.)

But during and after the march people were asking What do we do next? And one of my answers is to think small, but frequent. What are simple, easy ways an individual can regularly let the world know that they object to this bullshit and will not shut up, to gum up the works, in short to remain at the soul and center of protest, which is to be a pain in the ass?

The answer to that question is up to the individual, and I don’t know the answer for myself beyond the notion that it would be fun and fulfilling to remind Republicans that the stinking yellow eyed rockfish in the White House is their stinking yellow eyed rockfish and that that their choices are to run far the fuck away from him or to spend a few hours in a giant sandblasting cabinet to get rid of the stench.

For example, Gov. Hogan made a big deal about not endorsing or voting for Trump, which is such a low bar that I don’t care. I could write Hogan to remind him that I expect him to oppose Trump, ask for examples of how he is opposing Trump and copy a Trumpertantrum or two into an email and ask him if he agrees. Those are very small things that I can do once every week or two that will keep me active and bug a Republican until it’s time for the next organized action.

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