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When Unions Don’t Help Their Members



This is unfortunate. The Rocketts are being dragooned into performing at Trump’s inauguration, an event that is becoming a hilarious embarrassment for Emperor Tangerine because no one will participate. Many of the Rockettes members don’t want to perform. The job of their union in this situation should be to help them in their goal. Or at the very least, stand up for them publicly. Unfortunately, the union is just telling the members to do what the boss says.

BroadwayWorld has obtained and confirmed the authenticity of an email sent from the American Guild of Variety Artists to what appears to be Rockettes in its membership as a response to the announcement that some Rockettes do not want to participate in the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

The email reads: “We have received an email from a Rockette expressing concern about getting “involved in a dangerous political climate” but I must remind you that you are all employees, and as a company, Mr. Dolan obviously wants the Rockettes to be represented at our country’s Presidential inauguration, as they were in 2001 & 2005. Any talk of boycotting this event is invalid, I’m afraid.”

“We have been made aware of what is going on Facebook and other social media, however, this does not change anything unless Radio City has a change of heart. The ranting of the public is just that, ranting. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but this does not change your employment status for those who are full time.”

“This has nothing to do with anyone’s political leanings (including AGVA’s), it has to do with your best performance for your employer, period. I will reiterate that if Hillary Clinton was the President-elect, nothing would be different, and there would probably be those who would not want to be involved because of her. It is a job, and all of you should consider it an honor, no matter who is being sworn in. The election is over and this country will not survive if it remains divided.”

“Everyone is entitled to her own political beliefs, but there is no room for this in the workplace.”

The email continues in bolded, underlined font: “If you are not full time, you do not have to sign up to do this work. If you are full time, you are obligated. Doing the best performance to reflect an American Institution which has been here for over 90 years is your job. I hope this pulls into focus the bottom line on this work,”

This is pretty gross, as it not only tells members their union will do nothing for them, but pulls the strings of patriotism to make their case. The idea that it is up to the Rockettes to pull the country together in a spectacle is utterly ridiculous. This is a union not doing what a union should do. In other words:

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