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Washington Post: Grab ’em by the napkins

This is not a shot from Trump's victory party.
This is not a shot from Trump’s victory party.

In case it isn’t already obvious, one of the reasons the members of the fourth estate gave and will continue to give Trump pass after pass after pass is that it is infested with people who don’t see the problem with his behavior. Eventheliberal Washington Post has a misogynist clod problem.

“[The] napkin-wearing woman who was being disrobed by guests went beyond inappropriate to offensive to those those of us who resent seeing women continually being reduced to and offered as objects of men’s sexual desires,” read a Friday letter to Publisher Fred Ryan and Vice President for Communications & Events Kris Coratti.

Post Articles Editor Elizabeth Chang sent the letter on behalf of around 150 male and female staffers. The Huffington Post obtained a copy from a Post source.

The woman in question was wearing something underneath the napkin dress. But staffers were rankled by the concept, especially as misogyny and sexual harassment were major themes in the 2016 election.

“The fact that this happened at a Washington Post party at the conclusion of an election in which the issue of sexual assault played a huge role is upsetting and infuriating and counter to what we thought The Post stood for in this election,” the letter read.

Another thing that should be obvious is that people who tell members of oppressed groups to calm down have really earned that STFU.

Management issued a nonapology worthy of a Republican, back when they bothered to apologize.

“Although it was never our intent, we regret that this occurred and sincerely apologize for any upset created by this situation,” Coratti wrote. “Going forward, be assured that even more scrutiny will be placed on the packages offered by our sponsors — before, during, and after each event. You will not encounter anything like this again.”

Who among us hasn’t accidentally ordered a model clad in napkins for a party? I bet parents planning entertainment for their children’s birthday parties do it all of the time.

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