The existence of the Velvet Underground proves Donald Trump is a good and decent man
It’s within the realm of possibility that Jessica Leeds’ account of being groped by Donald Trump on an airplane is false. Plausible-sounding false accusations can happen to bad people, after all. Given the preponderance of evidence, I know how I’m betting, though. That said, it’s possible more information could emerge that would increase my skepticism of her account. Early efforts to identify such evidence, however, are not promising. So far, we’ve got Katrina Pierson’s armrest trooferism (watch the reactions of the guy on the left), and this morning, we learn from Jim “Gateway Pundit” Hoft that because she used a metaphor for groping that was also used in an obscure rock song 48 years ago, we can be certain she made it up.
Watching the on-the-fly defense strategies Trump apologists come up with over the next 26 days may be as entertaining as the shoestorm itself.