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What Do You mean ‘Eurr’?


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Reminder – The last virtual reading group for Out of Sight (chapters 5 & 6) is on 6/8 (Wednesday) at 2 pm, ET. Loomis will be available to answer your questions about the book, the destructive powers of house cats vs. anti-union governors and pig-based breakfast food.

Random – In another comment section good citizen and professional JenBob detractor sharculese shared this funny story that will make some people feel old, but I think is an interesting commentary on how quickly the way we consume music has changed in less than half a century.

I reproduce it here. Feel free to post more casual B.S. in the comments.

I’ve been waiting to post this until we had a more casual post to bullshit on, but since you teed me up for it perfectly, I had an SEK -level exchange with a student, yesterday.

There’s some prologue that leads up to it but I’ll just cut to the good part:

Me: I’m assuming you’re not a Nirvana fan?

Her: No. My brother has that one album, it’s got like a naked baby floating in the water and-

Me: Nevermind.

Her: Well, sorry I said anything.

Me: No, the album is called Nevermind.

Her: How can you know an album based just on the cover? I don’t even know what any of Justin Beiber’s album covers look like.*

Me: Well see, back in the day, if you wanted to listen to an album you had to go to the store and buy a physical copy of it.

Her: Yeah, I just get all the songs I listen to on my phone.

Me: Back in the day, phones didn’t play music.

Her: Well, they did, you just had to go on the internet.

Me. Cell phones used to not have the internet, either.

Her: I don’t believe you.

*I know that last part sounds made up, but I swear she said it.

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