The figure above is:
a. The price of a the median one-bedroom apartment in Park Slope.
b. The amount Ryan Howard has been paid per RBI since 2011.
c. The amount per annum I would require before submitting to daily screenings selected from the works of Michael Bay.
d. The cash on hand the Republican nominee for president had at the end of the last reporting period.
…as dmsilev observes in comments, Trump is charging his cash-starved campaign roughly $200 K a month in rent. And Trump is on his own payroll (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this is highly unusual.) In other words, it would seem to be like his other grifts. If you evaluate Trump’s presidential campaign based on obsolete metrics like whether it will help him become president, it’s a disaster. If you evaluate it based on whether it provides Trump the opportunity to loot gullible people while generating publicity, it would seem to be a smashing success.
Trump campaign expenses in May, per @FEC report:
Hats: $208k
Online advertising: $115k
Data management: $48k
Communications consulting: $38k— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) June 21, 2016