The J’accusing Jackoffs of the NYT
Nicholas Kristof makes a strong case against the need release more conservatives/Evangelicals into the groves of academe. Which is interesting because he claims he is doing the opposite.
If you’re in a hurry this morning, two excerpts summarize Kristof’s position.
My Facebook followers have incredible compassion for war victims in South Sudan, for kids who have been trafficked, even for abused chickens, but no obvious empathy for conservative scholars facing discrimination.
And if you’re saying that conservatives may be tolerable, but evangelical Christians aren’t — well, are you really saying you would have discriminated against the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.?
Right. It’s obvious I was kidding. Kristof isn’t arguing for or against more conservative voices around the university table. This is yet another round of You call yourself progressive? Then kiss this rabid skunk.
Normal people know that kissing a rabid skunk, eating a peanut butter & crap sandwich or whatever the litmus test de l’heure happens to be, has zero to do with anything. But the Kristofs of the world like to devise these tests and shout J’accuse! when the subjects refuse to participate, because they’re boring little toss artists.
WE progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table — er, so long as they aren’t conservatives.
Today’s puzzle: Figure out who Kristof means by We.
Universities are the bedrock of progressive values, but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is ideological and religious. We’re fine with people who don’t look like us, as long as they think like us.
Aww, look. He made a straw university for his straw progressives to attend! That’s dedication to the craft.
O.K., that’s a little harsh. But consider George Yancey, a sociologist who is black and evangelical.
O.K., I will do that very thing Here’s Dr. Yancey on Christianophobia.
As a sociologist whose research focuses on race and religion, I was curious to know more about cultural progressive activists, individuals who oppose the political agenda of conservative Christians, and their views on the Christian Right. In 2009, I conducted an online survey of nearly 4,000 people who tended to fall into this politically progressive, highly educated, white and wealthy demographic.
Their attitudes reflected the negativity toward Christians found in earlier research, with some particularly extreme and troubling remarks. Responding to open-ended questions, they said:
“Churches and houses of religion should be designated as nuclear test zones.”
“Kill them all, let their god sort them out.”
“The only good Christian is a dead Christian.”
I cannot determine by my data the percentage of Americans with such a level of vitriol, but judging by the comments, it’s not a trivial amount.
This is one of those times when sarcasm fails me and I can only LOL in wonder at the ease with which someone shovels a veritable Denali of bullshit.
And this anonymous professor.
“I am the equivalent of someone who was gay in Mississippi in 1950,” a conservative professor is quoted as saying in “Passing on the Right,” a new book about right-wing faculty members by Jon A. Shields and Joshua M. Dunn Sr.
Prof. McCretin, like every other member of the Boy Who Cried Halp! Halp! I’m Bein’ Repressed! Club, is the equivalent of nothing more or less than the guy who wehs about how his wife left him just because he slapped her around a little bit. And then rants about women when this behavior fails to score him a Christ-shut-UP-all-ready fuck. No one wants that guy around for his unique perspectives on marriage, because he’s a jackass.
Maybe Kristof is the equivalent of that guy’s wingman. But all of the signs point to large amounts of Scold-mongering.