White Walshed Racism
This morning I rejoiced to learn that professional government moocher and child support dodger Joe Walsh has laid out a number of priorities for African-Americans. In doing so he reminded the world that he is indeed a human colostomy bag and illustrated how incredibly obnoxious it is when privileged members of society tell underprivileged members what they should and should not worry about, viz:
And I gotta tell ya, if I were black, I'd worry a lot more about the 76% of black babies born to single moms than I would about the Oscars.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) January 24, 2016
Gotta tell ya, if I were black, I'd worry a hell of a lot more about black on black violence than how many black Oscar nominees there are.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) January 24, 2016