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Winners Endorse Winners



Jim Webb received the near endorsement from someone I know every LGM reader has been waiting to hear from in this election cycle: Holy Joe Lieberman.

In his presidential campaign announcement, Webb centered his message on teamwork. Here at No Labels, that’s a message we second.

No Labels is a nonprofit focused on bringing bipartisanship back to Washington and supporting leaders who fix, not fight. I’ve seen the damage that years of politicking and partisanship has caused our nation, and now I believe it’s time for a change.

While’s No Labels and Lieberman’s position on defending the Confederate flag are not delineated in this article, I’m just glad that Real Americans, by which I mean wealthy Beltway elites who believe that cutting entitlements, balancing the budget on the backs of the poor, shoveling endless amounts of money to Israel, and mining all the fossil fuels we have regardless of environmental consequences to show how Democrats really want to be Republicans while caving on all issues that Republicans care about, are finally represented in the 2016 elections. I wonder what Ron Fournier has to say about this!

I’m also curious about this:

I am encouraged by Sen. Webb’s focus on bipartisanship in his campaign — especially given his proven track record of success — and that we have yet another candidate in the race so committed to working with Congress. As we have seen over the years, when our politicians toe the party line instead of collaborating, it is the American people who suffer the consequences. Partisan politics just doesn’t work.

Partisan politics just doesn’t work for who exactly? Obama supporters who have recently seen many victories thanks to the president eschewing bipartisanship except when it serves his interests? Republicans who have managed to hold off much if not all legislative victories from Obama? Or just Holy Joe, Harold Ford, Sam Waterston, and other No Labels types who demand that the political system work precisely in their interests?

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