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The Stadium Grift Reaches Rhode Island



Above: Boston Red Sox CEO, co-owner of the Pawtucket Red Sox, and extremely poor man Larry Lucchino.

The Pawtucket Red Sox (or PawSox as they are known) is Boston’s AAA baseball team. The stadium is, frankly, a dump. Historic but not a great place to see a game. So the team’s owners want to move the stadium to Providence. It’s only 5 miles away, but in Rhode Island terms, it’s a whole other world. Of course, they want to bilk Rhode Island taxpayers out of millions for it. The park is estimated to cost $85 million. The owners want the state to pay $120 million over 30 years for it. This is a state with a serious unemployment problem, terrible roads, massive pension payment problems, declining funding for higher education, etc. I hope Rhode Islanders flat out refuse this. Of course, since our politics are so incredibly corrupt, I’m sure a few bribes will take care of any meaningful opposition.

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