Home / Robert Farley / Grades Go Down, But OOH SHINY

Grades Go Down, But OOH SHINY



A team of University of Oregon economists probes one of life’s age-old questions: Is there a relationship between academic gender gaps and a university’s football team’s performance?

The answer looks to be yes. In a National Bureau of Economic Research paper this month, economists Jason Lindo, Issac Swenson and Glen Waddell tracked how much female students at the University of Oregon were outperforming male students on grade point averages. They then mapped that against the number of wins the school’s football team had that season. And they found that, when the Oregon Ducks did better, the male students did worse.

Done? Then allow me to retort.

On broadly the same topic, here are the Bowl Mania standings to date:

1 Dyon1Go00ose 165 96.6
2 aintthatprettyracobeen 153 93.5
2 Drunken Warthogssde1015 153 93.5
4 ADDFTAVII 152 93.1
4 Memphis Jayjshinola 152 93.1
6 No, the other Spartansehlimbach 149 92.2
6 You Shumockcjcarr 149 92.2
6 UnleashtheFurycabotgk 149 92.2
9 Lexington Bearded Ducksfarls0 145 90.8
10 Lafayette’s FinestUKEvan 144 90.4
10 Fighting Red Frozensahsarmiento 144 90.4

This year the system allows you to adjust “confidence” rankings for unplayed games up and down until game time. Good to know if you suddenly get a strange feeling about the UCLA-Illinois game…

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