NY Prisons & Race Event
For all you NYC-based LGM-ers, here’s information about a great event coming up this Thursday at NYU (organized by the Wagner School of Public Policy). I won’t be there as bean, sadly, will be in class. But hope some of you will go and report back. Here’s the info:
The American Constitution Society, Wagner Student Criminal Justice Group, Wagner Students of African Descent Alliance, & The Correctional Association of New York:
Prisons, Police, Race and The War on Drugs
Join leading academics, activists, political figures and lawyers in a discussion on a critical, oft-neglected, public policy issue of the day: how police, prosecutorial and prison related practices lead to the dramatically disproportionate confinement of poor people of color.
Date: Thursday, April 17
Time: 6:30-8pm
Location: Rudin Family Forum for Civic Dialogue, Puck Building (295 Lafayette St., 2nd Fl.)
RSVP: http://wagner.nyu.edu/events/prisons.php
– JEFFRION L. AUBRY, Assemblymember and Chair of the Assembly Committee on Correction.
– KAMAU KARL FRANKLIN, Racial Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights and co-chair of the National Conference of Black Lawyers.
– ROBERT GANGI, Executive Director of the Correctional Association of New York.
– DENNIS SMITH, Associate Professor of Public Policy at NYU Wagner.
MARY PORTER, Lecturer in Public Administration, Assistant Dean at NYU Wagner and former prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.