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Chickenhawk Scumbag of the Day


Mark Steyn:

Do you want to hear what a person sounds like when they really are — to use Steyn’s words — “weak, that there’s nothing — no core, no bedrock — nothing it’s not willing to trade”? Here is Bush loyalist Sen. John Cornyn, explaining why we should allow the President to break the law and eavesdrop on our conversations without any oversight: “None of your civil liberties matter much after you’re dead.” And here is Pat Roberts, showing how willing he is to trade all American values in the hope of being protected from the things he fears: “I am a strong supporter of the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment and civil liberties. But you have no civil liberties if you are dead.” That “rationale” means we do anything — give up all freedoms, relinquish all values — because desperately trying to stay alive is the only thing that matters.

So someone — like Centanni or Wiig — who recites a few words that they don’t mean in order to avoid death is a wretched, feminine coward who has no core values and nothing they are willing to die for. But if that’s the standard, then people like Steyn and his fellow neoconservative warriors — who want to place blind faith in the Government in exchange for promises of “protection,” vest in the President the most unlimited powers, and fundamentally change how our country functions and the values which define it, all because they think that doing so is necessary to increase their chances of living — are drowning in a self-protective cowardice that dwarfs by many magnitudes that which they mock in others.

Centanni and Wigg, of course, are (unlike Steyn and his fellow authoritarian bedwetters) also acting well within the Western political tradition, understanding that while exercising such coercion is extremely bad the superficial repeating of bromides under the threat of force is about as far from compromising your “core” as you can get. Calling for arbitrary state power, conversely, is the definition of sacrificing a core principle.

…Steven Taylor has more.

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