A Few Thoughts
Not much time to post. A few thoughts from Colorado.
1) Running and drinking cheap red wine, when done excessively, can cause significant problems. They cause those problems much, much faster at 5,000 feet above sea level.
2) It’s quite clear why so many people gain weight while eating dorm food, especially the all-you-can-eat arrangements. Is it too much to ask to actually have some complex carbohydrates as an option?
3) High school students write some very strange things when they don’t know the answer to the question. Imagining the alternative political universes their essays describe breaks up the monotony of grading all day and keeps me sane and amused.
(and a semi-topical matter)
4) Do we have any readers who believe that the mainstream media in the U.S. exhibits a systematic liberal bias? If so, here is your first homework assignment:
Compare and contrast the quantity and quality of the coverage of the following two polically active multi-millionares: George Soros and the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
The links should get you started. Explain how all this fits with the “liberal media” hypothesis in comments below, if you’re so inclined to continue to hold that view. And keep watching this space for future homework assignments.