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Don’t Look At Us — We Didn’t Do It!


Ah, Bobo — your commitment do bothsidesdoitism really can produce comedy gold:

“He’s already started with a perfectly designed gun control package, inviting a long battle with the N.R.A. over background checks and magazine clips. That will divide the gun lobby from suburbanites. Then he can re-introduce Bush’s comprehensive immigration reform. That will divide the anti-immigration groups from the business groups (conventional wisdom underestimates how hard it is going to be for Republicans to back comprehensive reforms).

“Then he could invite a series of confrontations with Republicans over things like the debt ceiling — make them look like wackos willing to endanger the entire global economy.”

Yes. Look like.

See, it’s not that congressional Republicans are radicals willing to take the world economy hostage. No, no, no — they’re all really Brooksian moderates, who conniving Democrats make look like radical crackpots through the evil mechanism of “not going out of their way to allow Republicans to hold their radical, enormously unpopular positions.” Democrats shouldn’t play politics — what room is there for that in the United States Congress or the White House — they just focus on some stuff that we’ll pretend House Republicans would support even though they wouldn’t. When they don’t, of course, this will be Obama’s fault, for not doing the right thing and vacating his office so that my fellow faux-moderate Mitch Daniels can take over.

UPDATE: Much more here.

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